Battling with acne problems?
Getting in the way of your self confidence?
Well, you are not alone. Acne is the single most common skin condition around the world. At least 90% of the world population have suffered acne at least once in their lifetime.

Occurs when pores on the skin become clogged with dead skin cell, oil, or bacteria. Whiteheads are firm, typically small and white or yellowish. A person cannot extract them by squeezing.
A blocked pore that stays open forms a blackhead. It gets its colour when the content of the blocked pore come into contact with air and form these follicular pigmentation. In contrast with white heads, black heads are extractable.
Usually whiteheads or blackheads are not inflammed. However, if it gets infected by the bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes, this will initiate inflammation resulting in a papule or pustule.
These are large, red, painful breakouts that are deep in your skin that have the potential to rupture, releasing bacteria
and debris into the dermis, leaving permanent scars.
This are large, spherical nodules that occur when there is persistent inflammation resulting in the accumulation of pus and skin debris deep within the dermis.
Occurs when pores on the skin become clogged with dead skin cell, oil, or bacteria. Whiteheads are firm, typically small and white or yellowish. A person cannot extract them by squeezing.
A blocked pore that stays open forms a blackhead. It gets its colour when the content of the blocked pore come into contact with air and form these follicular pigmentation. In contrast with white heads, black heads are extractable.
Usually whiteheads or blackheads are not inflammed. However, if it gets infected by the bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes, this will initiate inflammation resulting in a papule or pustule.
These are large, red, painful breakouts that are deep in your skin that have the potential to rupture, releasing bacteria
and debris into the dermis, leaving permanent scars.
This are large, spherical nodules that occur when there is persistent inflammation resulting in the accumulation of pus and skin debris deep within the dermis.

When you come for a consult with our doctors in Clinic RX, they will be able to tell you what is the cause of your acne problems and refine a structured treatment plan that works just for you!
As one of the leading aesthetic clinics in Malaysia, Clinic RX aims to empower individuals to look and feel their best, at every stage of their lives.
Whatever your concerns, be it enhancing your natural features or reversing the signs of ageing, Clinic RX is able to deliver a wide range of quality, state of the art & personalized aesthetic, cosmetic & wellness solutions, merged with exemplary service, in a warm and pleasant environment designed to make you feel completely at ease.

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