Dealing with acne can be frustrating enough, but the scars left behind can be even more infuriating and sometimes causes social anxiety and depression.
Acne scars are most common on the face, followed by the neck, shoulders, chest and back.

Hypotrophic scars develop due to the loss of normal viable tissue as a result of the inflammation that accompanies acne. They display a sunken, depressed appearance and look like pits in the skin.
Ice pick scars
Ice pick scars are typically small (1-2mm), with a wide opening and steep edges that taper downwards to the base, as if the skin has been pierced by an ice pick
Box scars
Round to oval in shape with vertical edges and a flat base.
Rolling scars
Also known as valley scars, they are deeper and display a wavelike appearance , often best appreciated in indirect lighting.
Depressed fibrotic scars
These are clusters of miniature like Boxcar scars, often occurring at the cheek.
Hypertropic / Keloid Scars
Hypertrophic or keloid acne scars typically occur after a period of inflammation, when there is excessive scar tissue formation. This is results in a hard, raised scar that may be larger than the original wound.
One of the biggest complications of acne are the scars it leaves behind. Left untreated and unchecked, these scars are often disfiguring and may cover extensive areas of the face.

As one of the leading aesthetic clinics in Malaysia, Clinic RX aims to empower individuals to look and feel their best, at every stage of their lives.
Whatever your concerns, be it enhancing your natural features or reversing the signs of ageing, Clinic RX is able to deliver a wide range of quality, state of the art & personalized aesthetic, cosmetic & wellness solutions, merged with exemplary service, in a warm and pleasant environment designed to make you feel completely at ease.

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