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Each time we squint of frown, we tighten our facial muscles which in turn pulls our skin into a crease.

This brings about the formation of :

As time goes by, the chronic use of these muscles may result in permanent lines etched into the skin that is present with or without muscle movement.

Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, an anesthetic cream may be used to numb the discomfort of a Botox treatment.

The procedure takes minutes to perform and the optimum effect is apparent within 7 days. To prevent lines from reappearing, a simple touch-up treatment two to three times a year is recommended.


As one of the leading aesthetic clinics in Malaysia, Clinic RX aims to empower individuals to look and feel their best, at every stage of their lives.

Whatever your concerns, be it enhancing your natural features or reversing the signs of ageing, Clinic RX is able to deliver a wide range of quality, state of the art & personalized aesthetic, cosmetic & wellness solutions, merged with exemplary service, in a warm and pleasant environment designed to make you feel completely at ease.


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RX Medical Technology Group Sdn Bhd 202201010391(1456088-H)
No Siri Kelulusan: KKLIU: 2998 / 2026

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