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Birthmarks are a benign irregularity or growth on the skin that is present at birth or shortly after.

Treatment of birthmarks depends on its type.

Some benign lesions may not require treatments at all, whereas some may need immediate attentions.

Birthmarks are a benign irregularity or growth on the skin that is present at birth or shortly after.

It occurs due to an excess of one or more of the normal components of skin such as

Generally divided into 2 categories

Treatment of birthmarks depends on its type.

Some benign lesions may not require treatments at all, whereas some may need immediate attentions.

Laser Treatment

Targeting pigment cells within birthmark.

Ultra V

To carefully dissect certain birthmark away.

Topical Medication

To reduce vascular birthmarks.

Oral Medication

To further reduce the size of certain birthmark especially those of vascular in origin.


As one of the leading aesthetic clinics in Malaysia, Clinic RX aims to empower individuals to look and feel their best, at every stage of their lives.

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