Have you been experiencing inability to hold your bladder? Difficulty controlling the sudden urge to urinate? Is this distressing issue affecting your social life?
—You may be suffering from various degrees of stress urinary incontinence—
Have you been experiencing inability to hold your bladder?
Difficulty controlling the sudden urge to urinate?
Is this distressing issue affecting your social life?
—You may be suffering from various degrees of stress urinary incontinence—

The main symptom of stress incontinence is the loss of bladder control during physical activity.
You may experience a few drops of urine or a large, involuntary flow.
The main symptom of stress incontinence is the loss of bladder control during physical activity. You may experience a few drops of urine or a large, involuntary flow.

In Clinic RX, we offer an effective and non invasive laser therapy to help improve the symptoms of SUI.
In Clinic RX, we offer an effective and non invasive laser therapy to help improve the symptoms of SUI.

How Does The Incontilase Work?
The 2940 nm Er:YAG laser used for IncontiLase® features a built-in proprietary technology called Fotona SMOOTH® that enables delivery of precisely controlled laser-induced thermal effects that stimulate collagen neogenesis and remodeling in the mucosa tissue – The end result is tightening of the tissue in the urethral and anterior bladder wall region and the return of normal continence function.
How Often Do I Have To Undergo This Treatment?
2- 4 weeks are commonly the time required for the improvements to be experienced.
Each individual will improve at their individual pace, but more importantly, V-shot procedure comes with no downtime.
Patients are able to resume their daily activities / sex life immediately after procedure
Is This Procedure Painful?
– IncontiLase procedure is incisionless and virtually painless, with no ablation, cutting, bleeding, or sutures.
– Recovery is extremely quick without need for the use of analgesics or antibiotics- Patients could immediately return to their normal activities.
As one of the leading aesthetic clinics in Malaysia, Clinic RX aims to empower individuals to look and feel their best, at every stage of their lives.
Whatever your concerns, be it enhancing your natural features or reversing the signs of ageing, Clinic RX is able to deliver a wide range of quality, state of the art & personalized aesthetic, cosmetic & wellness solutions, merged with exemplary service, in a warm and pleasant environment designed to make you feel completely at ease.