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As the center of your face, your nose is one of the most distinctive and obvious facial features. A higher and sharper nose that looks natural can promote overall harmony and gives you a great side profile.

Unfortunately, Asians are often born with a flat, poorly-defined nose. It is no surprise that rhinoplasty is popular in Asia – many of us hope to improve their overall appearance by defining the nose bridge and lifting the tip. Although rhinoplasty still remains the most common treatment for correcting and reconstructing the nose, many non-surgical methods are gaining popularity with demanding consumers simply because of the minimal downtime and time required off work. These are 2 options you can consider, nose filler or nose thread lift.

Nose Thread Lift :

Also known as ‘lunchtime nose job’ nose thread uses threads to shape and enhance the look of nose. Fine threads are inserted under the skin to elevate the nose bridge and tip while stimulating collagen to provide sustainable lift for the nose. The polydiaxanone (PDO) threads are 100% bio-compatible and absorbable by our bodies. Results are immediately visible as the threads provide scaffold for the nose. A consultation with a doctor is important to decide the number of threads for desired result.

Nose Filler : 

Nose filler treatment usually involves injecting Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers into the skin. It is used to sculpt the nose by precisely adding volume to the nose. These fillers are made of HA gel, which are compatible with your body. After the local anesthetic has set in, the doctor will inject HA fillers into the bridge and tip of the nose to give it height and projection.

Difference between Nose Thread Lift and Nose Filler

Nose filler


  1. Lift nose tip better than nose thread.
  2. Give height to the nose bridge.
  3. Minimal to no downtime.
  4. Ability to sculpt the nose precisely the way you want it.

Nose Thread


  1. Able to lift the nose tip.
  2. Minimal downtime.
  3. Improvement in nose contour.
  4. Achieve a slimmer nose bridge.
  5. Achieve better definition of the nose.
  6. Reduce width of the nose.

Another of our signature therapies, the 3D Noselift merges the use of Dermal Fillers and Nose Threads to enhance the nose shape.

A large proportion of Asians have smaller, rounder noses with a flat bridge. While both therapies may be used individually to augment the nose, occasionally a combination of both is required to attain the ideal nose shape. Dermal Fillers are able to boost volume to enhance the nose bridge while Nose Threads provide a more definite lift and a sharper, more defined contour.

Call or WhatsApp us today to see how we can match your nose configuration to your facial configuration and ensure an aesthetically harmonious outcome for you. Check out our exclusive promotion as below (valid for first 50 customers only) and grab em’ now!

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