Fotona Tightsculpting procedure is an advanced laser procedure to reduce body fats, as well as improve surface appearance of the skin. This method is based on 2 highly specific laser wavelengths, the ND:YAG and Er:YAG lasers for outer and deep heating of the skin , giving patients the 2 in 1 benefits of fat reduction AND the ultimate firming of loose skin that comes after effective fat reduction.
With Tightsculpting, you can indeed wave the ultimate goodbye to your unwanted fat and flabby skin!

Long pulse laser is used to heat up the fat layers underneath the skin, achieving fat contraction and reduction, and also hastens the process of fat removal by improving blood circulation.

Non-ablative thermal pulse is used for superficial tightening of the skin. This is achieved by stimulating collagen formation, improving elasticity and firmness. The ultimate outcome is a firmer and tighter skin around problematic areas,wherever it may be.
Cooling device and continuous thermal camera is used to ensure the the treament is maintained at the desired 42 deg celcius in order to achieve the maximum benefit of this treatment.

As the collagen layers beneath your skin tighten, this tends to keep troublesome fat cells from producing the effect of cellulite. The result is tighter skin that looks smoother without the need for invasive surgical procedure.

What To Expect During The Treatment?
How Often Should I Have This Treatment Done?
How Long Do I Have To Wait Before I Can Start Seeing Results?
What Should I Watch Out For After Treatment?
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Whatever your concerns, be it enhancing your natural features or reversing the signs of ageing, Clinic RX is able to deliver a wide range of quality, state of the art & personalized aesthetic, cosmetic & wellness solutions, merged with exemplary service, in a warm and pleasant environment designed to make you feel completely at ease.